Indo-China tension 2020

Factual Blogs
1 min readJun 19, 2020


India and China share a border of 3440 km long and have overlapping territorial claims. Their border patrols often bump into each other, resulting in small struggle but both the sides insist no bullet has been fired in four decades. Army of both the country came face to face at many points. The poorly demarcated Line of Actual Control (LAC) separates the two sides. Rivers, lakes and snow caps mean the line separating the solider can shift and they often came close to confrontation.

History of dispute

History of dispute
India and China fought a war in 1962 over their contested in the border in the Himalayas. The war ended with a truce and the formation of a De Facto boundary, known as the LAC. There has been an uneasy and fragile peace since the war. No official border has ever been negotiated,the region where clashes is hostile terrain, at high Altitude and less populated running through the Ladakh region bordering Tibet.

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